Channel: Indian Muslim Observer
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An Open Letter to Prime Minister of India: A Nuclear Willing Country With Hunger & Malnutrition?

Respected Sir,

I would like to draw your attention towards the increasing number of deaths of infants of tribal area due to malnutrition in Palakkad District of Kerla.

It is reported that:

• In last 16 months , approx 37 deaths reported due to malnutrition.
• Many are still undergoing treatment and no effective steps taken to prevent such tragic deaths.
• It is reported that at present approx 500 pregnant tribal women are there in 192 helmets of Attapaddy hills area of Palakkad district and many of these are anaemic and not getting any nutritious food and medical care.
• People there are also complaint about huge corruption by contractors and aaganwadi workers who were engaged there in providing nutritious food supply as they did not supply at all, and also corruption of crores of rupees in implementing various projects including drinking water supply.
• It is reported that still there was no gynecologist until the death of 35th infant on Thursday and only after that a gynecologist appointed that is also on contract.

It is when the Government of India is concerned over 'Malnutrition' and Prime Minister also expressed his concern over malnutrition. It raise questions about the concept of Equality, Right to Life, Right to Safe drinking water and Right to food. It is also raise questions about proper implementation of state and center governed policies by officials and contractors.

Sir, It is requested to you that you must take its cognizance and to provide adequate measures to prevent such things. It is the time, when you and all other political groups must think above the political gains and therefore must bring the food security bill. It is the time for all leaders to think beyond the nuclear capable country as if we are still unable to provide drinking water and food to our countrymen, we really do not need nuclear fitted and armed lased country. For most of us, a country mean a place where we all can live together happily without discrimination and with surety of water, food, cloth and roof. Our country's primary must not be on getting the things for those who can bear the cost or for those who are rich, instead it must be towards Gandhi's last citizen and should be such that even a last citizen can afford it and can survive its life equally at least on the level of basic amenities.

Our right as a countrymen is as equal on our land as yours and it is also as equal as anyone else belong to this country. Our policies and roles must not be governed with the will of 'majority', instead it must acknowledge the needs and necessities of all small groups , deprived and downtrodden too whose rights are in continuous phase of violation. It must be towards getting the things done for a society as a whole in view of the prospects of coming generations and future society and in context of the concept of our constitution that values equality at all levels.

An urgent action is hereby sought through this appeal as we all believe in importance of life that must not get lost due to insufficient food supply in this country as it will not only defame the country that is believed to be agriculture rich and be responsible for deaths due to malnutrition, but also point out the inequality of society at all levels and careless approach of governments in providing safe living conditions.


Ravi Nitesh
Mission Bhartiyam, India

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