By Our Special Correspondent
Ever wondered what would facebook look like, if it was made for medical professionals? Ever
wondered if there was a social network that promoted intellectuality? Ever wondered if there was a website, which parents would encourage their children to browse? Well, dont just wonder, log on to Neuros. A professional social networking website for medical students, doctors and all other health care professionals that promotes both social networking and intellectual interactions, Definitely a network which even parents would approve.
Founded by Dr. Waiz Abdul Wasey and Ravi Kiran in late 2011, Neuros ( has since then made quite an impression in the medical community. It is perhaps the only social network that has an integrated study center, connecting likewise professionals intellectually. “The idea is not just to help people connect socially, but to connect smarter as well,” said the founders.
Dr. Waiz Wasey, a medical doctor by profession and an IT enthusiast, has encouraged the inception of Neuros. Having teamed up with Ravi Kiran, a talented web developer, Neuros became a reality.
According to Dr. Wasey, people often just waste time on social networks, an addiction that cannot be broken easily. Through this initiative a smarter network that will benefit the users intellectually as well would be provided.
Neuros seeks to benefit the medical students and doctors by helping them use information
technology in the best possible way. Some striking features of the network are:
Solved Qbank -- Groups are created for different subjects with tabs categorized as stories, questions, photos and pages. All possible questions for that subject are uploaded and are being answered daily by merit students, PG students and professors. The users are also encouraged to answer or ask.
Groups -- The Groups are like pages on facebook but much more categorized, giving its users a well formatted platform to use for connecting and studying.
Clinical pictures -- Neuros is gathering and collecting a good base of medical clinical pictures from around the world, helping medical students learn more than they would during their internship or rotations.
Innovative approach -- A dedicated inhouse designing team guided by doctors creates illustrations, study aids, visuals and charts to help depict medical topics in the most creative and innovative approach.
Social components -- Neuros has all the basic social networking components – follow people, chat, write stories on wall or ask questions to one another.
Seeking to grow and benefit the medical community as much as possible, Neuros has created
a dedicated team working day and night to bring new features and interactivity to the website.
Medical MCQs for competitive exams, extended doctor profiles, membership clubs and video
library are next on the drawing board.
This innovative approach is being taken well by young Indians, and hopes to make a mark in the list of social networks launched from this great motherland pooled with talent.
Ever wondered what would facebook look like, if it was made for medical professionals? Ever
wondered if there was a social network that promoted intellectuality? Ever wondered if there was a website, which parents would encourage their children to browse? Well, dont just wonder, log on to Neuros. A professional social networking website for medical students, doctors and all other health care professionals that promotes both social networking and intellectual interactions, Definitely a network which even parents would approve.
Founded by Dr. Waiz Abdul Wasey and Ravi Kiran in late 2011, Neuros ( has since then made quite an impression in the medical community. It is perhaps the only social network that has an integrated study center, connecting likewise professionals intellectually. “The idea is not just to help people connect socially, but to connect smarter as well,” said the founders.
Dr. Waiz Wasey, a medical doctor by profession and an IT enthusiast, has encouraged the inception of Neuros. Having teamed up with Ravi Kiran, a talented web developer, Neuros became a reality.
According to Dr. Wasey, people often just waste time on social networks, an addiction that cannot be broken easily. Through this initiative a smarter network that will benefit the users intellectually as well would be provided.
Neuros seeks to benefit the medical students and doctors by helping them use information
technology in the best possible way. Some striking features of the network are:
Solved Qbank -- Groups are created for different subjects with tabs categorized as stories, questions, photos and pages. All possible questions for that subject are uploaded and are being answered daily by merit students, PG students and professors. The users are also encouraged to answer or ask.
Groups -- The Groups are like pages on facebook but much more categorized, giving its users a well formatted platform to use for connecting and studying.
Clinical pictures -- Neuros is gathering and collecting a good base of medical clinical pictures from around the world, helping medical students learn more than they would during their internship or rotations.
Innovative approach -- A dedicated inhouse designing team guided by doctors creates illustrations, study aids, visuals and charts to help depict medical topics in the most creative and innovative approach.
Social components -- Neuros has all the basic social networking components – follow people, chat, write stories on wall or ask questions to one another.
Seeking to grow and benefit the medical community as much as possible, Neuros has created
a dedicated team working day and night to bring new features and interactivity to the website.
Medical MCQs for competitive exams, extended doctor profiles, membership clubs and video
library are next on the drawing board.
This innovative approach is being taken well by young Indians, and hopes to make a mark in the list of social networks launched from this great motherland pooled with talent.